Most lenders require credit history information, especially a credit score. This helps them determine how high or low they will set their rates for the borrower. A low credit score may mean they can increase your rates on the loan, making you pay more.

However, there are many types of lenders that may lend you money, regardless of a low credit score. Title loan lenders for example may not care as much whether or not you have a high or low credit score

Interest rates may vary based on where you live and the terms agreed to. The amount of interest on a loan could also change depending payment delinquency.

Low Credit Score? No Problem!

An auto title loan with LoanMart is a way that you may be able to turn your carā€™s title into funding ā€” and fast1! An auto title loan is a loan secured with your vehicleā€™s title, but we only add ourselves to your title, so you can keep driving while repaying your loan.

Call Our Team

Take the first step and call our toll-free hotline to speak with a specialist.

Thousands of people choose auto title loans because they can be faster than other ways of borrowing. Itā€™s possible to have money in your hand in as little as one business day3. In some cases, we may even be able to get you money the same day3 depending on when you contact us and how fast you work with us to get it done1. These loans can also be easier to get than others ā€” even if you have a low credit score.

The Auto Title Loan Process

LoanMart has grown as a company to be able to offer things that the others canā€™t ā€” like some of the most competitive rates and online account access. We may be able to help you get the money you need in as little as the next business day3.

All you have to do is follow these three quick and easy steps:

Step 1

  • Send us your info online by filling out this form on your computer, tablet or smartphone
  • Simply give us a call at 855-422-7412
  • Drop into a participating store near you. In less than an hour, we can let you know whether you are approved and the amount that we may lend to you1.

Step 2

We will just need a few papers that you may probably already have with you. The list is short and you can complete this part in under an hour. Just fax, email, or text us pictures using your smartphoneā€” we will get to work right away.

Step 3

After we get your paperwork, our team will contact you to talk about what your options are1. After signing, you can choose how you get paid ā€” electronically, with a check, or you can pick up your money at a participating money transfer location nearby.

Why Choose LoanMart if You Have a Low Credit Score

We understand what youā€™re going through and so do over 250,000 customers that weā€™ve already served2. We always want to help you find the best and quickest solution to your financial problems at cutting-edge rates.

Click here or call us today to see how you may be able to get fast cash from a title loan, regardless of a low credit score1.