When emergency strikes, and you need a cash loan quick, you need to receive it in the fastest and most convenient way possible for you. If you don’t have a checking account and don’t want to carry a lot of cash around, you might be wondering if you can get your cash loans loaded on a prepaid debit card. Depending on your prepaid debit card company, you might be able to put your cash loan money onto the card. Check with your company to see the best way to add money!
When you get a cash loan with LoanMart, we offer you many ways to receive your money that could allow you to load your cash loan money onto your prepaid debit card:
- Direct deposit
- Check
- Cash
Cash Loans with LoanMart
Here at LoanMart, we offer cash loans in the form of our quick and helpful car title loans. With our car title loan, you get to use the title of your vehicle as collateral for the money you need. The means you don’t have to worry about being denied for having a less than perfect credit score. Instead of using your credit history to determine your loan amount and interest rate, we use the equity of your vehicle and your ability to pay back the loan to determine the amount of money you qualify for.
Requirements for a Car Title Loan
You don’t even need a bank account to qualify for a car title loan. The only information we ask for during the car title loan process is to verify your ownership of the vehicle and the vehicle’s information. Your ownership of the vehicle allows LoanMart to use the car to give you funds, while the vehicle information allows us to give the most accurate quote for your vehicle to get you the most for your money.
Some requirement documents and information that will be needed during the title loan process are:
- Vehicle’s title
- Proof of income
- Vehicle’s registration car
- Proof of insurance
- Proof of residency
- VIN, plate, odometer
- Pictures of the vehicle
- 4 personal references
If you have all these ready when you apply for a car title loan with LoanMart, you can get your money quicker! Potentially even the same day you apply3!
How to Apply with LoanMart
To apply with LoanMart for a car title loan, we make it so simple. We give you three different ways to apply for your car title loan:
- Apply online using our streamlined system on your phone, tablet, or computer.
- Call our toll-free number and apply over the phone with a representative.
- Find a participating location closest to you to stop in and apply in our store.
After choosing your method, you’ll start your application process. Filling out your application and submitting it can take just minutes.
Once they receive your application, a LoanMart representative will contact you about your initial qualification, your quote, and will request the previously mentioned documentation1. If you choose to apply from home, you can send pictures of all your documents from your phone to your representative using our online system.
Your representative will contact you once they have reviewed all your documents, they’ll offer your official loan quote with your interest rate and loan term. You’ll be able to accept your loan, and receive your money. It’s that simple, and can be done fast.
Receiving Your Money with LoanMart
After you’ve applied for your car title loan with LoanMart, you could receive the money you need the same day you apply as long as you submit the information we need in a timely manner.
Direct Deposit
If you have a checking account, LoanMart can direct deposit the money you are receiving for your loan into your bank account. That way, you have the money safely in your account and you don’t have to worry about a check or having to carry any cash around.
The best part is, you don’t even have to leave your home to have the money deposited into your account. All you have to do is provide LoanMart with the necessary information to deposit your money.
If you would rather receive your money in a check so you can securely deposit the money where you need to, you can receive a check from LoanMart. You even have the option to stop into one of your nearest participating locations to receive your check.
Are the participating locations too far from you? If there is a participating money transfer location near you, LoanMart can send the money to them for you to pick-up. That way, it’s more convenient for you. Did you know you can visit any of the participating locations in the city of San Diego for your car title loan funds? We have an online store locator that can help you find any convenient participating location.
Depositing Your Money – Cash and Cards
Before you try to deposit money onto a prepaid card, make sure you can add money by calling your prepaid card provider. Some places may require you to add by going to a related bank, or by going online.
If you need your money as cash or on a prepaid card, you can use the check that LoanMart gives you to transfer your money how you need. LoanMart doesn’t need to know where the money is going or what you’re using it for. That’s why we offer to give you a check. Once the money is sent to you, we no longer need to know information regarding your bank accounts or how you’ll be receiving your money.
LoanMart wants to make sure you are comfortable with how you apply for your car title loan, as well as how you receive your funds. If you have any questions about security or what we do with the information we collect, you can give us call, use our live chat feature on our site, our check out our privacy policy here. LoanMart works hard to keep you and your best interest in mind when it comes to your lending needs.